Gestación por sustitución o subrogada: La bioética aplicada al embarazo en parejas del mismo sexo


  • Sebastián A. Haro G. Becado de Medicina Interna, Hospital del Salvador, Universidad de Chile
  • Derek U. Gützlaff I. Interno de Medicina, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile
  • Matías A. Jara V I. Médico Cirujano, Universidad de Concepción


Background: One of the factors with the greatest impact on a couple relationship is the desire to have children, framed in the traditional conception of the family, which has undergone economic, social, and legal changes for years. Highlighting in this framework the movements for homosexual rights, it is necessary to analyze the conflict of pregnancy in same-sex couples, due to its multiple implications both for homosexuals who decide to have children and for the ethical and moral debate of a population in transition to their acceptance Results: The methods available for achieving paternity in same-sex couples were described, focusing the analysis on surrogacy, leading to a comprehensive review of the issue from the point of view of bioethics and its legal status in international legislation Conclusions: It is impossible to give concrete answers to a topic as broad and conflictive as pregnancy in homoparental couples. However, it was possible to outline guidelines for the evaluation of similar issues to broaden the debate in this regard, offering an applied approach without falling into unchangeable principles that, in some way, punish those views that remain outside of them.


Bioethics; homosexuality, family, surrogate mothers, reproductive techniques, assisted, legislation, interpersonal relations


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