Rectal foreign bodies. An Updated review


  • Ignacia Santiago Hermosilla Interno Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile
  • Jasmín Peña Zacconi Interno Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile
  • Lucas González Johnson Interno Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile
  • Eduardo Vicuña Viera Interno Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile


Introduction: Rectal foreign bodies (REC) have increased in incidence in recent years, however, there are few epidemiological data to this date. Its management generally represents a challenge for surgeons due to the variability of clinical presentations. The goal of this review is to describe and analyze national and international publications on CER during the last decade. Materials and methods: A bibliographic review was carried out in Medline (PubMed) and Scholar Google databases, including publications from 2010 to 2021. Results: 29 results were obtained, eliminating those focused on extra-rectal foreign bodies and rectal lesions of other etiologies. There is a male predominance in CER cases, with a ratio of up to 28: 1 and a higher incidence between 20-40 years. 35.8% of the cases were secondary to sexual stimulation, 50.6% had no reported cause and 5.2% were due to third-party aggression. The cardinal symptoms are anal pain or constipation. Most CERs can be diagnosed by abdominal and pelvic radiographs (Rx), however, a negative Rx does not rule it out. Multiple extraction techniques are described, depending on the type of object and the risk or suspicion of complications; being the most frequent ones sphincter and / or anal mucosa lacerations, intestinal obstruction and perforation. Discussion: The bibliography regarding CER is currently scarce, however, its incidence is expected to increase; therefore, it is important that health care professionals take into consideration its diagnostic possibility and learn management options.


Rectum, Foreing Bodies, Emergencies


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