Cuantificación de ácido domoico en moluscos bivalvos de las costas chilenas y su relación con el nivel internacionalmente aceptado


  • Esteban Hernández R. Universidad de Chile
  • Javier Ilabaca S. Universidad de Chile
  • Irene Montoya C. Universidad de Chile
  • Américo López R. Universidad de Chile


Red tides along Chilean coast have shown an important impact in public health and represent a permanent danger to the national fishcry industry. This occurs because there has been potentially toxic biotoxin detected, called domoic acid, also known as seafood amnesic venom. There has been an international limit leve] established in concentrations of 20 μg/g of seafood. This is why we have considered it important to determine if domoic acid leve Is in Chilean seafood are following the international standards. Methods. Domoic acid levels detected were analyzed through HPLC/UV, newly implernented in our lab. Results. From ali the positive samples (822), 746 (90.8%) have domoic acid concentrations lower than 20 μg/g and 76 (9.2%) were higher than 20μg/g. Conclusions. These results show that approximately 10% of ali che samples analyzed have levels higher than che international leve] accepted, revealing that there is a need to constantly monitor chilean coast seafood, since in our country che presence of domoic acid involves a high risk in public health and in the economy.

Palabras clave:

Red tide, domoic acid, biotoxin